Pocket or Pilot bearing differences are something to watch with these when changing the input shaft. There were two types of Dodge 29 spline inputs, which are the longest available (nice to make up for the clocking ring thickness). Some input shafts used a double row pocket bearing and others only a single row.
You need to match your new shaft to what you have. Torque King 4×4 is a great resource on this kind of stuff, and using your assembly number off the tag on your case you can find the parts that will interchange into your case.
If you have a single row pocket bearing, pay special attention to the pocket bearing location in the shaft you install and compare your original shaft’s pocket bearing location to the new one. It may need to be pushed toward the gear end of the shaft after you tap out the plug from the spine end to match up with the shaft. Put the plug back in after resetting the pocket bearing location! See the attached pictures.
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